
Dental Abscess and Infection Tips From Tremont Dental Boston Massachusetts

Dental Abscess and Infection Tips From Tremont Dental Boston Massachusetts

What nowadays has been commonly known as the dental abscess is really an infection which occurs when the dental pulp dies and the resulting bacterial infection can develop into a collection of pus, forming an abscess in the problem area.

Dental Abscess and Infection Tips From Tremont Dental Boston Massachusetts

Call Tremont Dental In Boston’s South End at 617.424.0606 to schedule an appointment today. Email us here: Contact Us.

– Tremont Dental Care In Boston Massachusetts

There are two known main types of abscess that can be found, the Peripheral abscess which usually begins within the dental pulp and is common amongst young and middle-aged children, and the Periodontal abscess which has it’s origins in the supporting tooth and bone structure and is more common in adult patients especially in dental implant infection.

The most common symptoms of this problem are pain and tenderness, swelling and infection of the neighboring gum tissue, especially when biting down on the affected tooth, swelling of your cheeks and face, loose tooth/teeth, swollen lymph nodes, increased body temperature associated with any infection. An abscess is easily diagnosed by a worsening of localized pain by pressing or biting down on the affected tooth and can be confirmed by an X-ray.

So what are the causes of an abscess and the dental infection in a mouth? Worldwide the main cause of any abscess primarily happens when an untreated tooth decay occurs within the dental pulp, which afterward can become badly infected to the point of death.

The resulting bacteria infection within forms a local collection of pus and then spreads far beyond the edge of the tooth and it’s this local pus infection and the pressure that it creates which then causes the pains associated with this condition.

This condition is mostly caused by tooth decay that occurs as the result of inappropriate or poor dental care oral hygiene in combination with sugary foods and other microscopic leftovers lodge in the spaces between teeth which form acid and decay the tooth structure.

How can I stop/prevent decay from occurring?

You can prevent decay by following a good oral hygiene program which involves daily brushing, flossing and regular visits to your dental hygienist to have your teeth professionally cleaned. Regular check-ups with your dentist will enable him/her to treat any signs of decay early on before they cause any serious problems. Reducing the frequency of consumption of acid-causing sugary foods and drinks will also help.

What is the treatment for an abscess and dental infections?

If you have localized pain or a wisdom teeth infection in your tooth and suspect you may have an abscess, you should see your dentist immediately. The first line of treatment is usually to drain the abscess and relieve the pressure and pain caused by the build-up of pus. You may also need antibiotics to control the infection. In order to treat a tooth with an abscess, your dentist will drain the pus to release the pressure and relieve pain. You should see a dentist as soon as possible if you think you have a dental abscess.

Call Tremont Dental In Boston’s South End at 617.424.0606 to schedule an appointment today. Email us here: Contact Us.

– Tremont Dental Care In Boston Massachusetts

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