
South End Boston Mass Tooth Whitening Services

South End Boston Mass Tooth Whitening Services

South End Boston Mass Tooth Whitening Services

Email us here: Contact Us.

Many people are bothered by the stains and discoloration of our teeth caused by consumption of products such as tea, coffee, tobacco, and red wine combined with irregular oral hygiene.

Due to stains and discoloration, it is an embarrassment for such people to smile. This results in a loss of self-confidence and social acceptability.

Let us face the fact that our teeth are very prone to problems such as decay, cavities, and discoloration, to mention a few. Irregular or fitful care of teeth usually results in problems related to dental and oral hygiene.

I have seen people who are above 50 and have a perfect set of teeth. On the other hand, there are people in their early thirties who have lost the natural whiteness and sheen of their teeth.

I have often wondered why people do not take sufficient care of their teeth. Sticking to a regimen of oral and dental hygiene is the best way to take care of the teeth.

Tooth whitening is a procedure that helps to remove stubborn stains and discoloration. It is a procedure that involves the application of a peroxide-based chemical usually in the form of a gel onto the teeth using a mouth tray. A Laser is then used to activate certain chemicals in the gel that actually remove the stains and whiten the teeth.

There are a number of tooth whitening products. Ranging from ordinary toothpaste with tooth whitening agents and tooth whitening strips to ready to use home-based kits and professional laser treatments, there is a wide array of choices.

It is best of course to consult a dentist who will examine your teeth for issues such as sensitivity to hot and cold, cavities, or other issues that may require treatment before you can get your teeth whitened.

Call Tremont Dental In Boston’s South End at 617.424.0606 to schedule an appointment today. Email us here: Contact Us.

– Tremont Dental Care In Boston Massachusetts

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