
General dentists and tooth decay Tips From Tremont Dental Care

General dentists and tooth decay Tips From Tremont Dental Care

“Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry In Boston Massachusetts”

General Dentistry is the most recognizable area of dentistry. Known as the gate-keepers to the mouth, an appointment with a qualified general dentist may include treatment of everyday dental concerns such as a dental cleaning (scale and polish), x-rays, fillings, crowns, bridges, root canal surgery or denture fittings. Other oral health concerns that general dentists address include reshaping or smoothing out rough or broken teeth, teeth whitening, flossing, gingivitis (gum disease) and brushing techniques.

All general concerns about dental health are initially directed to the General Dentist, as he or she is the first point of contact towards oral health says dentists are Tremont Dental Care in Boston Mass.

General dentists focus mainly on the patient’s oral health and aim to empower patients with knowledge and tools that will enable their dental health. Their main concern is teaching patients how to care for and maintain their teeth. Dentists give instructions regarding healthy daily preventive oral habits such as the best and most up-to-date methodology for flossing, brushing and rinsing the mouth.

They may also discuss eating habits and food groups that the patient may need to become aware of due to the affect those habits or foods are having on their teeth and gums.

The main point that General Dentists convey is that consistent preventive care today can minimize the need for restorations (fillings/crowns) in the long-term. Preventive measures that dentists generally recommend include a check-up and cleaning every six months. Individuals with unique teeth or gum concerns such as gingivitus, may be required to visit the dentist every 3 months and receive specialized cleanings that go beneath the tooth surface to remove plaque and tartar build-up.

If preventive measures are unable to minimize tooth decay, then the dentist will take action in the form of restorative treatment in order to contain and control tooth decay. When a filling or crown is placed, the dentist will remove damaged tissues and enamel, clean the site of the cavity and then replace the removed tissues with amalgam (metal colored filling), resin (white or tooth-colored filling) or porcelain (in the case of an inlay/onlay or crown).

If the decay has gone into the nerve of the tooth and the dentist confirms on an x-ray that they cannot save the nerve, then a root canal is performed. This is where the infected nerve is removed from the tooth. Often times, a root canal requires the tooth to have a crown placed on it.

Cosmetic dentistry is an innovate area in the field of dentistry that many general dentists are getting specialization in. The main focus in cosmetic dentistry is maximizing and enhancing the aesthetic beauty of the patient’s smile. The Doctors/ Dentists are Tremont Dental Care in Boston Mass.utilize teeth whitening, Invisalign, veneers, crowns or full mouth reconstruction in order to achieve an optimal smile.

This field of dentistry is concerned both with the form and function of a patient’s smile and is usually considered ‘elective’ treatment. In other words, a cosmetic procedure is pursued as a result of the patient’s choice as opposed to a preventive or restorative measure due to tooth decay. Finding any dentists can be as easy as visiting a site where you could find

Call Tremont Dental In Boston’s South End at 617.424.0606 to schedule an appointment today. Email us here: Contact Us.

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