Runnitis and bad breath From Tremont Dental Care In South End Boston

Runnitis and bad breath From Tremont Dental Care In South End Boston Having persistent sinus issues can affect your oral health as well when it results in post nasal dripping when the mucus rolls to the back of your throat. People who have sinus issues a lot throughout the year can deal with some serious…

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Products to treat chronic bad breath

Products to treat chronic bad breath When you make a decision to take an over the counter medication for bad breath there are countless products out there that work to treat problems with bad breath one that’s pretty known is Breath Rx it has been on the market for a while as an over the…

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Root Canals By The Experts In South Boston Tremont Dental

Root Canals By The Experts In South Boston Tremont Dental The space inside the tooth from the center, known as the pulp chamber, that travels down the length of the root to the tip (or apex) is called a “canal,” or more specifically, a root canal. Human teeth may have one to four root canals,…

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