
FAQ: Zoom Whitening in the South End of Boston

Zoom Whitening in the South End of Boston

Every year we prepare for the Holidays by buying gifts, new party clothes, and festive decorations to make the season bright.? This year Dr. Og Lim from Tremont Dental Care is recommending adding luminous, white teeth to your Christmas List by taking advantage of our promotion for Zoom Whitening in the South End of Boston.

At Tremont Dental Care we only recommend the best for our patients?and the best whitening treatment is Zoom Whitening.? To make things a bit easier for our patients during this otherwise expensive time of year we are running a promotion for $100.00 off your Zoom Whitening treatment (from now until December 23, 2016 it will only cost you $300.00 instead of the usual $400.00).

Many patients in Boston often have questions before their first-time whitening.? That is why we’ve taken the time to ask Dr. Lim about Zoom Whitening and pass those answers along directly to you.

Even if you don’t have an upcoming cleaning always make sure to get your teeth cleaned before whitening.

Having a professional cleaning preps the teeth to receive the treatment better.? It removes plaque and buildup that could potentially impede the whitening agent from achieving the best results.? It is also important to have your teeth examined by your dentist at this cleaning to check for any issues, that may have developed since your last visit, that would prevent you from being a good candidate for the Zoom Whitening.

Why choose Zoom Whitening in the South End of Boston over other whitening treatments?

To begin with, drugstore whitening products are not professional strength and will often yield much less significant results.? Dental offices have the ability to offer you higher percentage hydrogen peroxide than what you can find elsewhere.? If you are someone who wants immediate, lasting, noticeable results Zoom Whitening in-office treatment improves your shade 2-8 shades in just two hours (one visit).? Results will vary among patients, however, the vast majority sees a big improvement in the color of their teeth.? In addition, after the in-office treatment Tremont Dental Care sends you home with a set of custom trays and some whitening gel for you to do touch ups on your own time.? Most patients wait about six months and then use the home trays every day for seven days to refresh their white smile.

Getting your teeth white isn’t the hard part, keeping them white is.

We all know coffee, red wine, acidic foods, soda, etc. cause your teeth to lose their whiteness over time.? What some people don’t realize is that after a Zoom Whitening treatment your teeth are actual more susceptible to staining.? Brushing and rinsing more frequently will definitely slow the discoloration, as will drinking through a straw with dark or acidic beverages.? However, the best way to maintain your whitest shade is to avoid these foods and beverages as much as possible.

To book an appointment with Dr. Lim or for more information about our promotion for Zoom Whitening in the South End of Boston message or call us today!? The special only lasts until December 23, 2016.

Happy Holidays!

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