Unlike a crown, which covers the entire tooth, a veneer is a thin covering that is placed on the front part of the tooth. Veneers are an excellent cosmetic remedy for a variety of dental conditions that affect the appearance of front teeth. Veneers are often used to treat severely discolored, poorly shaped, or slightly crooked teeth as well as teeth that are chipped or worn.

There are two types of veneers: ceramic veneers and composite resin veneers.


Ceramic veneers

Ceramic veneers are extremely thin shells made of a strong and durable dental ceramic. A thin layer of enamel is removed from the front of the tooth to make room for the veneer. An impression of the prepared teeth is taken and sent to the dental laboratory where the ceramic veneers are fabricated.

At the next visit, the ceramic veneers are placed on the teeth. When the fit, shape, and color of the veneers are perfect, and you are happy with the appearance, then the veneers are bonded to the teeth with tooth-colored cement.

The procedure takes at least 2 visits to complete. Little or no anesthesia may be needed.

Composite resin veneers

Composite resin veneers are done in one visit. After the tooth is prepared, we choose the matching-colored composite material and sculpt the material onto the tooth surface. A special light is used to harden the material. The veneer is then smoothed and polished to look like a natural tooth. Little or no anesthesia may be needed.

We will help you choose the best material for you, based on your personal preference in the areas of durability, appearance, and cost.